What We Do


The Untold Narrative is a boutique, full-service media house located in Los Angeles, CA, but that description only scratches the surface. More accurately, we’re a group of creatives dedicated to finding unique ways to tell a story. Our goal is to discover what you and your brand do and the passion behind why you do it, then convey that in an authentic way. 

Don’t let your story go untold.


Brands That Have Trusted Us

Our Process



Here we learn about you. We determine the best way to tell your story so that your audience understands the value you are offering. The goal here is to identify your unique market position and form a plan to create the best outcome for your brand.


This is where the fun begins. We mobilize a team fit for your needs, organize the details needed to execute our vision, and then we do what we do best: create. This process can be broken down into 3 stages: Pre-production, Production, and Post-Production.


When all the creative work is complete, it’s time to get your audience to buy in. Whether it be supporting you with media strategy, consulting with your PR team, or delivering just the final project, we’re here to help launch a successful campaign.


Let’s Get Started


- Ads Management

- Web Development

- Branding / Commercial Work

- Travel / Landscape Photography

- Aerial / Drone Footage